Happy Halloween, guys! I'd love to see what, if anything, you guys might've dressed up as. Post pics!
Meredith and her mother hosted an
awesome Halloween party last night, and the costumes ranged from incredibly weak to incredibly awesome. Here are a few pics for you guys...

Meredith dressed as Detective Holmes, and I went as... me! My costume was rather elaborate, complete with a PDA and two cell phones on my belt, suspenders, a pocket protector, and my socks pulled up to my knees over my pants! I'll post a profile shot as soon as I get better pics!

Meredith's brother John dressed in the most unique costume I saw that night. Marc Summers from Double Dare chose the PHYSICAL CHALLENGE!

Shaun from Shaun of the Dead is kicking back with a cold brew.

A Jedi master joined the fray.

Zombies! Oh noes!

Some chick from Harry Freakin' Potter. It starts with an H...

Steve Irwin. Quite possibly the worst one yet.

After watching a terrifying hour of Rocky Horror Picture Show, we all bobbed for apples in the freezin' cold. It was a thoroughly chilling experience.
So show me what you guys were up to! Surely
some of you dressed up, right?
(...is a nerd.)