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Major NASA Announcement
Dec 6th, 2006 at 11:10am
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According to various news sources, NASA has a major announcement pending...

NASA Announcement


NASA Schedules Briefing to Announce Significant Find on Mars

WASHINGTON - NASA hosts a news briefing at 1 p.m. EST, Wednesday, Dec. 6, to present new science results from the Mars Global Surveyor. The briefing will take place in the NASA Headquarters auditorium located at 300 E Street, S.W. in Washington and carried live on NASA Television and

The agency last week announced the spacecraft's mission may be at its end. Mars Global Surveyor has served the longest and been the most productive of any spacecraft ever sent to the red planet. Data gathered from the mission will continue to be analyzed by scientists.

Now - Here's where it gets interesting:

News article

NASA To Announce Major 'Find' On Mars
(CBS 5) WASHINGTON NASA is expected to make a major announcement Wednesday regarding a "significant find" on Mars.

NASA said the finding was a result of the Mars Global Surveyor mission.

According to Aviation Week and Space Technology, the space agency will talk about the discovery of "flowing water" on the surface of the Red Planet.

A NASA news conference is scheduled for 10 am US/Pacific.

If that's true, I can't wait to get confirmation.  That's pretty freakin' cool!  I just hope it isn't some lame announcement about water erosion "confirm that water once flowed on Mars."  We pretty much know that already.

(...thinks they probably found a StarBucks.)

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Re: Major NASA Announcement
Reply #1 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 11:13am
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Oh, they found something alright, and it's... a llama!


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Re: Major NASA Announcement
Reply #2 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 11:25am
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Other possible announcements:
They found Jimmy Hoffa.
The radiator hose on the Mars Rover broke, resulting in flowing water on Mars.
They've discovered transforming robots!
They've managed to capture footage of black ooze seeping from Uranus.
We've discovered oil!  It'd be all ours, but that would be one heck of a pipeline!
They found a little green man with a Plutonium P38 Space Modulator...

On a serious note, the atmospheric pressure on mars is so low that flowing water can only exist on the surface from 0-7° celcius.  Below 0° it will freeze, and above 7° it will boil.  Surprises suck!

(...must know!)

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Re: Major NASA Announcement
Reply #3 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 12:43pm
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I don't understand why FLOWING water is such a big deal.  We already know Mars has water at the poles and scientists have suspected that a world wide flood happened on Mars.  Cause it can only happen there but absolutely not on Earth he he.

I don't care any more about the surface.  I want to see if there is life underneath.

If you want an awesome guy who's studied Mars, use to work for JPL, has some interesting theories on Mars you should check him out.  His name is Richard C. Hoagland and you can check his site out at


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Wootzor von Leetenhaxor
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Re: Major NASA Announcement
Reply #4 - Dec 6th, 2006 at 6:15pm
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I heard other news of NASA maybe constructing a base on the moon.
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Re: Major NASA Announcement
Reply #5 - Dec 7th, 2006 at 10:46am
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As expected, the announcement was about as lame as Wes's Mom's left leg.

Water on Mars
By Anadolu News Agency (AA), Ankara
Thursday, December 07, 2006

NASA has announced evidence that there could be water on Mars.

According to NASA Mars Exploration Program lead scientist Michael Meyer, the latest evidence appears to reveal recent water flow on the surface of the red planet.

Scientists examined photos sent by Global Surveyor and compared the latest photos with the ones sent seven years ago and observed that water had flowed through the 20 craters they detected recently.

NASA believes water may have come up from under the surface and flowed long enough to have left traces. Water on the red planet would freeze at the surface. Previously scientists proved there is water on Mars in the form of gas and ice.

Global Surveyor was launched on Nov. 7 1997 to map the red planet and it has been operating on the planet for a long time.

The quest for water is elemental in answering the question as to whether or not there is extra-terrestrial life in the universe.

There might have been flowing water?  Tell us something we don't know!  There might have been pink unicorns with fairy wings, too, but it's nothing but speculation until somebody can provide conclusive evidence to support the claim.


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