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Normal Topic Random Observations (Read 4095 times)
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Random Observations
Feb 27th, 2007 at 7:49pm
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So since it seems like I'm the only one on here these days I figured I'd throw out some observations from daily life.  Make a few of your own...if anyone else is on here-er-er-er-r-r-r *tumble weed* *hooting owl* *churpping* *Richard Simmon....wait what?!*

Observation 1:

Why are we still in Iraq and why aren't we impeaching Bush?  Didn't the Dems promise to get us out of Iraq and to impeach Bush?  Isn't that what Nancy Pelosi and all the other Dems promised to their constituents?  Isn't that the platform they ran on?  The Dems didn't take power...the people got the Republicans out of power.  And this being a "two party" system meant the vacancy was filled by the Dems.

So two weeks after taking power the dems who promised to impeach Bush...backed down.  Now, today, what do we have with the Iraq deal?  TALK.  A nonbinding resolution.  You know what that is?  It's a wag of the finger.  If you're a white, Catholic-familyed kid like me (wait a minute...I'm a white, Catholic-familyed kid like me!)  then you know the greatest feeling in the world when you did something wrong was your mom wagging her finger in your face and saying "No. No.  That was wrong."  We do this with dogs too.  What did that mean for me?  No actual punishment.  A 5 minute lecture and then I could go back to my regularly scheduled life...probably going back to the wrong thing again.  So digressing, the dems are wagging their finger and what is Bush doing?  Oh sending more troops and shrugging off any talk done by the Congress.  This brings me to my point.

The Dems are liars.  They lied to everyone who voted for them.  They don't want to be labeled the defeaters of Iraq.  If they were serious about ending the war ya know what the would do?  Take away all the money, de-fund the war.  No money means...we'd need to bring everybody back cause there's no money to pay them or to fund them.  Why don't they do it?  Because there is no 2 party system anymore...just one party...the globalist party.

Observation 2:
Is it just me because I've been looking or has Ron Paul been in the news news I mean internet news.  I was just reading he scored a 100% on the conservative scale poll on his voting actions.  That's higher than our "Christian, fiscal conservative, Southern" President.  More and more people are writing about him on the mainstream news sites.  That's really cool and I hope he will win the Republican nominee.  That I have mixed feeling about but hey I don't want to completely bore you.

Observation 3:
With this whole "Jesus" tomb thing I've been reading a lot of the comments on what people think.  I found out something.  People REALLY hate Christianity and Christians.  Briney and I were talking about this and I couldn't understand why people would care that much.  If you aren't a believer than why would you care what people thought and why be no nasty about it?  As I thought more on it it reminded me of the Bible passage, "Those who love darkness hate the light".  That makes sense when reading the comments I do.  I guess a philosophy and way of life that tells you not to kill, steal, lie, and other stuff for your own good would tick me off too if I did those things and that Book would call my actions "sin".  And yes, I understand there are hypocrites within and they do some bad stuff (stealing money, pedophilia, etc.).  And there are people who by their actions are hypocritical (angry at employees when they're suppose to show love, gossiping, etc.).  These are all bad and the media reports on only these bad things.  Yet, Christianity and the Church give a lot of money, more than any other group to charities and to the poor, to third world countries and to their own communities.  It just seems weird to me that people who hate a belief system that does that.

Observation 3:
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Al Gore is talking out of his butt.  He wins an award for a movie about global warming yet he's traveling in SUV (a whole brigade of them), his house is killing polar bears, and the trips he's making across the country are melting ice caps left and right.  I think he's just lonely.  If I had him right here...I'd give him a hug.  He looks like a man who's been holding his breath for the past 8 years and just needs a shoulder to cry on.  There there's shoulder's free Smiley

Observation 4:
I would pay Hillary Clinton $20 for her campaign if she would wear a normal dress once.  Or...would that show off her testicles?

Observation 5:
Is Obama black enough?  How does the media get away with saying that?!  Oh they do the FOXNEWS line..."Some people say".  And they only get black media people to say it.  I guess it's like only black people can say the "n-word".

Observation 6:
Pudding is tasty.

Observation 7:
When there's a little bit of snow that wouldn't affect the walking conditions of a one legged, 400lb man who was drunk 7X over the legal limit people drive like they're driving over humals.  When there's 6 feet of ice on the road and you can't see 6 inches in front of you...people will pull out in front of you with nanometers to spare.

Observation 8:
Wasn't The Screen Savers one of the best shows on TV? was.  Thanks YouTube for letting me relive that period of now sucky G4-TechTV.

Alright that's all for me for now.  If you want to add your ow....RICHARD SIMMONS GET AWAY FROM ME!!!


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Observations
Reply #1 - Feb 27th, 2007 at 10:02pm
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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Re: Random Observations
Reply #2 - Mar 20th, 2007 at 12:25pm
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Computer Tech Accidentally Erases Info on Alaska's $38 Billion Oil Fund,2933,259842,00.html

JUNEAU, Alaska — Perhaps you know that sinking feeling when a single keystroke accidentally destroy hours of work. Now imagine wiping out a disc drive containing an account worth $38 billion.

A computer technician at the Alaska Department of Revenue deleted applicant information for an oil-funded sales account — one of state residents' biggest perks.

While reformatting the disk drive during a routine maintenance check, the technician mistakenly reformatted the backup drive as well and, suddenly, all the data disappeared.

A third line of defense — backup tapes that are updated nightly — were unreadable.

"Nobody panicked, but we instantly went into planning for the worst-case scenario," said Permanent Fund Dividend Division Director Amy Skow, about the computer foul-up in July that ended up costing the department more than $200,000.

Nine months worth of information concerning the yearly payout from the Alaska Permanent Fund was gone: some 800,000 electronic images that had been painstakingly scanned into the system months earlier, the 2006 paper applications that people had either mailed in or filed over the counter, and supporting documentation such as birth certificates and proof of residence.

The only backup was the paperwork itself — stored in more than 300 cardboard boxes.

"We had to bring that paper back to the scanning room, and send it through again, and quality control it, and then you have to have a way to link that paper to that person's file," said Skow.

Staff working overtime and weekends re-entered the lost data into the system by the end of August.

Last October and November, they met their obligation to the public and a majority of the estimated 600,000 payments for last year's $1,106.96 individual dividends went out on schedule.

Former Revenue Commissioner Bill Corbus said no one was blamed in the incident.

"Everybody felt very bad about it and we all learned a lesson. There was no witch hunt," said Corbus.

According to department staff, they now have a proven and regularly tested backup and restore procedure.

...and here are my observations:

First - TEST YOUR BACKUPS.  For crying out loud, I can't imagine how any governmental agency could get away without testing their backup program.

Second - Unless the tech was very thorough in overwriting the drives, why didn't the state send them out to a data restoration company?  Surely it would've been cheaper than hand-entering everything from scratch!


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Re: Random Observations
Reply #3 - Mar 20th, 2007 at 1:45pm
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Like always I smell cover up.  I agree with your second point bob...unless their delete key overwrites 1's and 0's over the disk 1024 times and so bad not even an electron microscope can read it there should be a way to bring it back up.

What's even "funnier" is that if this were the Pentagon the headline and story would be.  $38 Billion Missing From Pentagon.  And Washington would go...meh.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. - Max Payne
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