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Re: Session #03 - 02/23/2016 - Where the Red Larch Grows
Reply #1 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 4:30pm
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We had our third session last night, tidily wrapping up the introductory encounters I created to get everyone comfortable with D&D 5E and Fantasy Grounds. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did!
The night started with the party inside the abandoned temple they had discovered in session 2. At the end of that session, the party had barricaded themselves and their dwarven caravan companions in an area of the temple they had cleared, thus waiting out the nasty storm that was raging outside. This also gave them an opportunity for a long rest, allowing wounds to heal and spells to be replenished. After tearing down the barricades and escorting their dwarven friends back to the caravan, the party proceeded to clear the rest of the dungeon.
The caravan was then back on the road, resuming their week-long journey toward the city of Red Larch. Just as the party was nearing Red Larch, they were stopped by a very official-looking man on horseback. He showed them a fancy badge that declared him to be a member of the Dessarin Valley Authority (an organization run by the local duke) and demanded payment of 5 GP per wagon (25 GP total) to continue forward. The party ended up coughing up the money. Little did they know this man was a scam artist that was merely sizing up the caravan's size, wealth, and security.
An hour down the road, the party was taken by surprise when three bandits (including their leader, the man from earlier) ambushed them. Using a hidden rope, the bandits were able to clothesline the horses pulling the lead wagon. The bandits then jumped out from behind rocky outcroppings and began attacking the party.
The party fought valiantly, killing two of the bandits and taking their leader prisoner. During the battle, Temmie (Meredith's character) ended up inadvertently setting one of the dying horses on fire and Exees (Pat's character) got knocked out by the bandit captain. In a moment of sweet, sweet revenge, Exees decided to string up the dead bandits as a warning to others, hanging a sign from them with the words "The Price of Thieving".
The party earned 1000 XP, or 200 XP per character. The characters that were present for both sessions 2 and 3 earned enough cumulative XP to hit level 2, and thus should be substantially more badass for our next session on Tuesday, March 8th!
-b0b (...had a great time!)