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Normal Topic Session #04 - 03/08/2016 - Roll for Charisma (Read 3108 times)
GeekCrew Administrator
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Session #04 - 03/08/2016 - Roll for Charisma
Mar 6th, 2016 at 11:09am
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Our fourth session will start at 7:00pm EST on Tuesday, March 8th.  This will be a more roleplay-oriented session, so bring your thinking caps!

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GeekCrew Administrator
FTP Server

The revolution will not
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Posts: 7803
Location: Battle Creek, Michigan
Joined: Oct 15th, 2005
Gender: Male
Re: Session #04 - 03/08/2016 - Roll for Charisma
Reply #1 - Mar 23rd, 2016 at 10:45am
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After a week on the road, the party finally arrived in Red Larch.  They were greeted by Constable Harburk who inquired about the bandits they encountered the previous evening.  After hearing their tale and taking the prisoner into custody, Harburk requested their assistance in clearing out a bandit encampment just west of town.  The group agreed, in exchange for 50GP per person, a round of drinks at the Helm at Highsun, and a night's stay at the Swinging Sword.

The party visited Vallivoe's Sundries and purchased three Potions of Healing.  These restore 2d4+2 HP and take an action to use.  The party then hit the Helm at Highsun tavern to partake in free alcohol and mingle with the citizenry.  They encountered a group of old ladies, led by Minthra "Minny" Mhandhyvver.  Her grandaughter, Pell, encountered a "ghost" east of town.  The party decided to investigate.

The party encountered three goblins and a half-ogre whom they killed mercilessly.  They found an old stone door leading into the mountainside and traveled inside, discovering a tomb of a long-dead noble.  The party got whooped by the ghost of the noble's butler, Godfrey.  He ended up being the All Valley Boxing Champ of 1405 DR and managed to knock out Hytton with a nasty punch to the skull.

The party bravely chose to run away!  They earned a total of 450 XP (90 XP per person), including partial XP for the fight with Godfrey.

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