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Normal Topic Session #24 - 01/26/2017 - Loose Ends (Read 2670 times)
GeekCrew Administrator
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Session #24 - 01/26/2017 - Loose Ends
Jan 26th, 2017 at 6:35pm
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We'll be playing tonight at 7:00pm ET.  I look forward to seeing you!

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GeekCrew Administrator
FTP Server

The revolution will not
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Posts: 7803
Location: Battle Creek, Michigan
Joined: Oct 15th, 2005
Gender: Male
Re: Session #24 - 01/26/2017 - Loose Ends
Reply #1 - Mar 9th, 2017 at 2:09pm
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Last week was a "housekeeping" session in which the party restocked following a lengthy period away from civilization.  Temmie got her hands on her coveted Coat of Many Pockets and the party's slightly overdue payment from Peace for Prosperity finally materialized (all 70GP of it).  The party also purchased ten potions of healing, two potions of fire breath, and one potion of animal friendship, along with various other supplies.

Shortly after wrapping up their shopping spree, the party heard a commotion nearby and quickly responded.  They found two of Harburk's deputies in a standoff with Rotharr Hatherhand, Braelen's father, who was holding one of town's former leaders at knife-point.  The leader was imprisoned awaiting trial for being part of The Believers, a group of important townsfolk that was collaborating with the earth cult that had (literally) undermined Red Larch and committed at least one murder in the cult's name.

Rotharr was threatening to kill the cultist, Ilmeth Waelvur, for betraying the town and bringing the fire cultists down upon them.  There is some sense of irony here as Rotharr was at least tangentially involved in The Believers himself.  Between the deputies, Constable Harburk, and the party, Rotharr was eventually talked down and arrested. 

Constable Harburk beseeched the party's assistance in protecting The Believers until they could receive a fair trial.  He was concerned that Rotharr wasn't the only one that wanted The Believer's dead, and that vengeance would be particularly desireable following the attacks on the town earlier that day.  The party agreed to take the prisoners to the Feathergale Spire for disposition while waiting for a traveling magistrate to show up.  In exchange, Red Larch would help the slaves from the monastery mines get settled or travel elsewhere.

After a much-needed night of rest at the local inn, the party set off with their captives in tow.

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